I have to tell that for the life of me I don’t understand how our President is being treated and what is says about the fear of speaking your mind. It is these two intersecting stories that have finally found their way to my page. Frankly, I am not sure which is worse, his behavior or the epidemic of public acquiescence, a totally lobotomized response, as opposed to a freaked out reaction to a two-digit IQ in charge of our lives.
The political rhetoric by people who support him is a sign of how deep we have sunk as Americans. The cruel treatment of tiny, immigrant babies is somewhere below inhumane. By the way, it was wrong for Obama and wrong for this guy. Refusing to address any kind of gun control and blaming our unbelievably tragic problem on mental illness is more a sign of his illness than those of the deranged and politically misguided shooters, with unfettered access to man killing machines. Using the Constitution and Bill of Rights to justify one position, while turning your back on other basic rights, like the right to vote, is bullshit, folks.
He is screwing the people, who voted him into office and don the red hats, bowing to the flag and pledging allegiance. Our farmers are getting killed by the idiotic tariff wars he has initiated. The trillion and a half dollar tax cut, championed by his backers is going to screw every single one of them, except the handful of the .001%, whose asses he kisses. We now have a budget deficit that is going to crush us all as a result. It didn’t take long for talk of cutting Social Security and Medicare to offset this stupidly conceived tax cut.
When I was in the sixth grade, I got into a heap of shit, because I was accused of making my girlfriend stutter and this was in 1957. After we broke up, my bicycle riding gang of extremely bright, pencil pocket-holder wearing, overly bright, Jewish boys, were accused of harassing her and causing this temporary malady. I was threatened with not getting into SP, enabling me to skip the eighth grade. I was not a mean kid and the whole episode really bothered me. I immediately told this vicious gang of harmless, gifted intellectuals to cut it out, because I was praying to shorten my time in school and it all worked out.
The most visible and powerful person in the United States calls people names and make no mistake, they are as mean spirited as any dumb, playground bully’s stupid verbal attacks. I did break up with Carol, but it really bothered me terribly that I was somehow causing her to suffer for no goddamn reason. Does anybody understand or give a shit that this is wrong and worst of all, it incites others, equally as bright as our Commander in Chief, to do the same thing to innocent people, simply because they were born Muslim or Jewish or with great trepidation, chose a gay life style?
America, Inc. has become nothing more than a brand and the CEO resides in OUR house. He seems to be completely confused between what is his and what is OURS. His wealth has increased dramatically while he is in office, because he puts OUR money into HIS businesses. It has cost us millions and millions of dollars when he stays at HIS hotels and golf courses, which seems to be the only places he will stay when he leaves OUR house.
I think this country is magnificent. I illegally camped in Monument Valley years ago, the back drop of every John Wayne movie. The wolves howled in the distance and I nestled next to one of the other- worldly spires that punched through the landscape of this magical place. All of our beautiful public lands are now at risk of being sold off and developed for the dirty work of fracking and oil exploration.
I want to talk about half our population for just a second. This guy doesn’t give a shit about women and has treated them as objects, long before he hung out with Jeffrey Epstein and the pretty high school girls drawn into the ugly web of manipulation and abuse. His comments to women and about women are the stuff of men, who think nothing of raping just for the hell of it.
As a kid, I remember watching presidents and politicians and being really impressed with their intelligence. It didn’t matter that John F. Kennedy had speech writers, because it was the way he spoke and carried himself that made a mark on me. Whether I cared for the politics of a president or not, they spoke in complete sentences and could actually carry on a conversation. Even the ones who had far fewer than a thousand points of light, used words that had more than a single syllable. I have never in my life seen a president as inarticulate as this one.
I am nearly done, but I can’t leave his kids out of this shit show. He sends his slum lord son-in-law to make peace in the Middle East by offering a real estate deal to the Palestinians, because to him it is all about money. His daughter, who is imminently qualified to put together beautiful ensembles for any occasion, is operating at the highest diplomatic level on behalf of OUR country. The other two boys are spoiled brats, who don’t know the meaning of a day’s work and they have the balls to think anyone gives a shit about what they think. Beyond the kids, every single person he has put in a position of extraordinary power has come from the industries they are supposed to regulate, charged with protecting us from their excesses.
The most pressing challenge facing the entire world is climate change and if you think it is fake, give me a call in 2030 and apologize. Finally, we can get to the whole issue of the curse of timidity. The supposed opposition, that would be the Democratic party, are a study in timidity. The 200 people running for the top spot are too busy trying to define the differences between each other, rather than taking on the demon in OUR house. We are on schedule to become the major producer of oil and gas in the world by next year. it is being done at the expense of our beautiful country and in utterance defiance of the stone cold science of global warming. There is nothing more important for the future of our children. Those, who have volunteered to take on the responsibility for them are wasting your time and mine, ensconced in the trivia of stupid politics.
Last time I checked, this is America and we have a right to speak our mind. This President is doing irreparable harm to everything we hold dear in this country and he is demeaning the office in ways I never imagined possible. He spends half his days watching television and the other half tweeting a bunch of mindless shit, except it is incredibly damaging to you and I.
I am sorry, it is just so difficult to be silent, the curse of timidity and the most naked Emperor imaginable.
Jan 4 2018 also about naked emperor…I bet it’s not pretty