I started working the broadcast advertising business in the late 60’s and stayed around for about 20 years, making me a decent witness to the goings on in that industry when there were only three networks and a public television station in most markets. Profit was always a driving force, like it is in every business. The larger they became, the more the bottom line ruled programming decisions. News programs, game shows and reality based fodder, shows with no high salaried stars began to appear pretty early during this time. It’s kind of tricky to nail the first reality show, because you could even go back to Candid Camera, when it started out on radio in the 40’s.
The most amazing thing about these shows is they started to create a celebrity culture. The teens, who appeared on Dick Clark’s American Bandstand, became heart throbs for countless pre-pubescent, young girls. I am not sure where to put my finger on the moment when these reality players became stars, like the actors and actresses from the make believe land of Hollywood.
Some time during the 70’s, the American Dream of the perfect family, surrounded by an immaculate white picket fence, began to sour. The post World War II myth of this country being the greatest in the history of the world, started going south. The happy marriage between workers and owners, slowly got hijacked by the orgasmic idea of accumulating huge wealth, slowly eating away at the middle class, the holders of the Dream.
In my unschooled opinion, the idea of seeing people just like ourselves, living exciting make believe lives, became increasingly attractive, taking our minds off our ordinariness. It didn’t take long for these regular people to be replaced by others, intent on playing this new celebrity culture for their own benefit. You could become famous as an adventure survivor and thrive as the housemate, who engendered all sorts of controversy.
Somebody most of us know was into the game of celebrity early in his business career. He was definitely pre-Kardashian, the quintessential example of a talent for attention and nothing else. They became successful, because all the unhappy people, dreamed of emulating them, overdosing vicariously on their outrage and blatant manipulation for the bucks of notoriety.
Our guy portrayed himself as the Prince of New York City, a womanizer and deal maker, with a woody for celebrity. He had a special kind of reckless self-absorption, a pre-requisite for any would be dictator, but that was not on his mind at the time, because his budding narcissism thrived in a much smaller circle.
He loved the media and could never get enough of himself. It was only a matter of time until he secured a national audience, willing witnesses to his excesses, saying and doing things millions wished they had the balls and ability to do for themselves. He said and did what he wanted, an in your face hero, venting their frustrations for them.
I want to get back to my time in that industry for just a second. The broadcast networks and now the plethora of cable networks are not in the business of taking chances, because they simply cannot afford it. Every damn reality show is scripted, in the same way that there are no surprise endings in the WWE. While they may not be heavily scripted, the plots are all predetermined and trust me, if it doesn’t go according to plan, they will simply reshoot. This is important to keep in mind as we follow our hero from the screen to the campaign stage.
America has become increasingly angry and the rising popularity of reality shows is symptomatic. Corporate dollars have been lining the pockets of our politicians, causing them to speak in a language that talks around the issues. One of the political parties has brilliantly crafted their message, with our freedom at its core. All the rules are an impediment to us achieving our destiny and God is on the side of our greatness. It has worked brilliantly and occasionally the other side had its chance, but pretty much mimicked the other, afraid of providing an alternative to the unfettered greed enriching them all, regardless of party.
Our talentless celebrity has followed a brilliant script and if any of you think there is any adlibbing in his show, you are terribly mistaken. The game plan has no magic about it and it is proven to be effective. You appeal to the lost pride of your people. You immediately discredit all news that is critical of you. It is very important to find targets for the rampant anger of your people. You craft a foreign policy that only cares about what is of immediate benefit to your country. You create an economy that thumbs its nose at all others, regardless of consequence. You seal off the borders of your country to prevent any encroachment from your vulture neighbors. You create a way to speak directly to your constituents, unfiltered by your enemies, defined as anyone who disagrees. You make sure you are always the daily headline and context is irrelevant, changing from hour to hour. It is important to mistreat women, which makes your male army feel as male as possible.
In 1940, Charlie Chaplin made a movie called The Great Dictator, which was quite controversial at the time. He imagined what would happen if someone followed the above script, before it was completely finished in the years that followed.
America is a most extraordinary country, one with a terribly flawed history. However, there is a genius about it that truly has no precedent in history. Our script will never be finished, because the idea of this magnificent experiment is not for sale. The currency of true freedom is priceless.
I love this place.