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I was within inches of being decapitated by the side mirror of a big black, driverless truck, a reoccurrence of a run in with the Devil earlier in the day. Clearly, I didn’t die, but there is some stuff I want to get to first. Today, is a beautiful Sunday and I was...

Going Home Again

I have no idea what you are doing right now, but I am squeezed into seat 30H on a flight from Newark to Honolulu, followed by a several hour layover and then onto my life on Kauai. About a week ago, I traveled in the opposite direction, to visit my sons, my...

Rain Man Lives

If what I am about to tell you is not true, I will smack myself really hard on either of my temples, depending upon which hand is free. We can really expose our shit when the right things go off the rails, causing us to lose our footing. When we are cruising, we don’t...

Do Your Thing Or Die Tryin’

As a Jewish boy growing up in Queens, NY in the Fifties, the prayer for all of us was to become doctors. If you couldn’t quite cut it academically, dentistry would be your penance. It was also cool to become a lawyer back then, but I am not sure about that today. At...