Nobody really gives a damn about the Sixties and for good reason. Those of us who experienced that time, whether we directly participated or watched from the curb, are now around 65, scary math. Whatever doors may have been opened, long ago creaked shut. Wearing tie...
I am going to pull a Seinfeld on you, making a story out of a non-story. When I was writing a piece called Sunglasses and Rocky, I had also come up with an idea to write about the Sixties and our present circumstances, trying to draw similarities. Over the course of a...
This morning, I thought I lost my sunglasses and had a moment of high voltage panic. I opened the driver’s side door of my car and leaned in, the daily routine of automatically reaching for my special shades. They are Oakley’s, a gift from my son and daughter-in-law,...
“Ardently do today what must be done. Who knows? Tomorrow, death comes.” The Buddha I know what you’re thinking, this is going to be a very depressing story and you are about to do the electronic disappearing act on me. The Buddha’s message is meant to...